Tuesday 26 June 2012

Polar Opposites Character No. 2

This is a post for my character who contrasts my first one. Unlike Storm who's emphasis was goofy and cute, this character needed to portray a vicious and intelligent side. Originally I was going to make this character a dog, but then I realised this has been done to death, so I decided to make him a fox which are naturally quite sly.

The original drawing of the fox. As I had never drawn the character before, it took me a few tries to make his silhouette iconic. I used a lot of triangles to construct the character to keep with his stealthy look. I left the tail out as the page was too small to make it the appropriate size.

Next, experimentation:

When creating his costume, I wanted it to give visual clues to his background while enhancing his silhouette. The tail was designed to look bigger than him for comedic effect. I personally like the one on the top right, it was inspired by dub-step group Nero (which were AWESOME at Hackney Weekend btw :D). I've thought about calling him Nero in tribute to them, which I hope they'd appreciate.

Just in case you don't know who Nero are, here's a photo of them:

Sunday 10 June 2012

Polar Opposites Character No. 1

Hi all, in preparation for my return to uni next year, I've made a short start on my 'Polar Opposites' task. This required us to come up with two characters who were different physically and mentally. I decided to use a character that has appeared in other projects I've done; he is a personal favourite of mine. I've never had the opportunity to experiment with his design, so this was a great opportunity to do so.

Here's the original pencil sketch I made. He was always a bit of a fatty, but I added glasses and a belt to give him a nerdy look. His posture also suggests he's quite dumb as is intended.

However, I took it a step further and made a character sheet, experimenting with his costume to give him a more unique silhouette. I personally like the one just left of the centre, he looks like he should be in a workshop, which makes sense for someone who's so round.

I should have more characters up at some point, don't really know when, depends if I can be bothered.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Support Bee Rex T-shirt on Threadless

Hey guys, after much thought, I've taken the Bee Rex a step further and submitted it to Threadless for the chance to have it printed onto a t-shirt. However, before it can be published, it needs to be liked first by enough people before Friday next week. If you'd like to see it published, click on the link below the image to share/like it with others, wish me luck! :)

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